Category: High School Programs

ENGN Built Trebuchets!

The Engineering students had a hard but fun day building and competing with their homemade trebuchets to see who could launch a tennis […]

HEAL Learned To Suture!

The Medicine and Health Care Students thank Dr. M for teaching them how to suture! They had a blast learning and practicing on […]

ARCH Became Negotiators

The Architecture students thank Dr. Paul Lisnek for his awesome lecture on negotiation tactics, types of negotiators and a bit of life advice!

BUSI Meet The Borns!

The Business and Entrepreneurship students thank Joe and Lily Born for their informative lecture on businesses, startups and never doubting yourself!

ENGN Building Toward Success!

The Engineering students continue constructing their RC cars and aquatic skimmers, starting to work on the physical design today!

BUSI Visits the HUB!

The Business and Entrepreneurship students had a blast exploring mHUB and learning about the resources they offer to startup companies!

HEAL Learns Dermatology

The Medicine and Health Care students thank Dr. Shahwan for the insightful dermatology lecture and tutorial!

ARCH Plans Twice, Draws Once!

The Architecture students are moving toward finalizing their concepts of their lakeside pavilions, which they’ll sketch, digitally model and physically 3D model!

ARCH Construction Has Begun!

The Architecture students had a tutorial workshop on their 3D modelling software and got started designing their lakeside rest area projects!

HEAL Got Some Hands On Experience!

The Medicine and Health Care Students had a great time at the University of Illinois Chicago’s simulation lab practicing real medical procedures on […]